7 Perfect Mini-breaks for Your Mum on Mothers Day

Beach - Image by seesea_rayong

It’s never too early to start planning for Mother’s Day. The best gift you can get your mother on this special day is a little rest and relaxation. While a long vacation may not fit into a mother’s schedule, there is no reason you cannot pamper her with a little mini-vacation that she can take… Continue reading 7 Perfect Mini-breaks for Your Mum on Mothers Day

5 Easter Pilgrimages for 2012

St. Francis in Italy - Image by allyouneedislove

Easter Pilgrimages As Holy Week approaches, Catholics all over the world make pilgrimages to holy places to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. You can visit exotic locations or stay close to home; any pilgrimage is worthwhile if you have spiritual experiences and come back with new understanding of how God works in your life.