Hotels Fairy is an independent hotel price comparison website that is committed to saving you time and money on your hotel bookings. On this page, we’ve answered some frequently asked questions to help you understand more about Hotels Fairy:

1. What is Hotels Fairy?

Hotels Fairy is a hotel price comparison website that allows you to not only compare prices between different hotels in your chosen destination, but also compare room rates for your chosen hotel as offered by all of the major booking websites.

2. How much does it cost to use Hotels Fairy?

Nothing. It’s 100% free to use with no registration required.

3. Is it safe to book a hotel through Hotels Fairy?

Hotels Fairy is a hotel search engine, and so it’s not actually possible to book a hotel through Hotels Fairy. Instead, once you’ve found the best deals on hotels through our search engine, we pass you on to a well-known and trusted website where you can make your booking.

4. How many hotels can I compare?

Our system has a database of over 200,000 hotels around the world, which is one of the largest collections of any hotel booking website.

5. Which booking websites do you compare?

We compare room rates on over 30 of the web’s leading booking website including eBookers, Lastminute.com, Travelocity, Booking.com, Laterooms.com, HotelClub, Venere, Hotels.com, Expedia, Octopus Travel and with hotel chains directly including Hilton, Crown Plaza and Holiday Inn.

6. Can I really save money using Hotels Fairy?

Yes. We not only save you money but also time by finding you the best room rates on the Internet in a matter of seconds and allowing you to make an informed decision.

7. Are you biased towards particular hotels and websites?

No. We’re not paid to promote any particular hotels or booking websites over any others, so our system is totally transparent and works to find you the best deal.

8. How do you make money then?

All of the major booking websites are keen to receive traffic from Hotels Fairy and so we recieve a commission for every visitor that we send to their websites, whether you make a booking or not.

9. Can I save money on anything other than Hotels?

Yes.  You can also compare car rental deals by using our easy to use car rental price comparison tool that searches all of the leading car rental companies in thousands of destinations around the world to find you the best price.

10. Where can I find out more about Hotels Fairy?

Browse our website, contact us or follow us on Twitter.

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