3 reasons why Hotels Fairy is better than Expedia

Hotels Fairy is better than Expedia

At first glance you might well be wondering, why is Hotels Fairy better than other hotel websites such as Booking.com and Expedia.com? What’s the difference, and are there any benefits to using Hotel’s Fairy?

The answer is very simple.

  1. We are a hotel comparison site, not a booking site.  We allow you to directly compare prices between competing sites as Hotels.com and Travelocity, so you can make an informed choice and always get the best deal.
  2. Shopping around between different hotel websites can take ages, and you might still end up missing the best deals. We do the comparison for you in seconds, and for free.
  3. We have more hotels in our database than anyone else, because we have all of the hotels from all of the other hotel websites combined. We allow you to compare a staggering 200,000 hotels around the world, giving you more choice!

It’s that simple.  Because we’re independent, we can offer you a choice that others can’t even dream of, and always find you the best deal. So next time you wish to book a hotel for your holidays abroad or in the UK remember. We are better than Expedia or even Booking.com.

If we do say so ourselves, anything they can do – we can do better.  So, have a look for yourself at the statistics below!

Hotels Fairy compares…

  • over 900,000 deals
  • on over 200,000 hotels
  • in over 20,000 destinations
  • in 195 countries
  • on over 30 top booking sites

…to find you the best deals